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Stained glass is a beautiful feature in any church, property or building and an integral part of what our company specialises in.

Our master craftsmen have the skill and knowledge required to restore and manufacture stained glass windows. These windows are steeped in history and all have their own unique design, our knowledge ensures that we can carefully remove each section of stained glass ready to be restored. We are confident that due to our extensive stock of glass we can replace any broken sections leaving your panel with its original heritage. Once your stained glass window has been fully restored it will be glazed back into its metal, stone or wooden surround using the correct tools and materials required to ensure the windows are safe and secure for years to come.

Traditionally some stained glass windows require internal metal saddle bars to be attached to help strengthen and support them, over long periods of time these saddle bars can rust and delaminate resulting in movement of the bars which then causes the stained glass to crack and the stonework to fracture. If this occurs and the bars are to rusted that they are no longer fit for purpose we can fully restore or replace the metal saddle bars to replicate their original appearance.

Another traditional method with stained glass windows is to use external ferramenta bars that require lime mortar to keep the windows in place and provide support and strength. Once again over long periods of time, the ferramenta bars can rust and delaminate resulting in movement of the bars which causes stained glass to crack and the stonework to fracture. Our years of experience working with all types of metalwork means we can fully restore the external metal ferramenta bars to prevent any future delamination damage to the stone mullions or stone frames. This will include the application of stainless steel to the tips of the ferramenta bars to protect them from future rust. The full process will result in retaining the heritage of the original ferramenta bars and safeguarding them for the future.

We can also supply and install stainless steel custom-made window guards to each window as further protection to help ensure the longevity of the windows. The window guards are made to measure and securely fitted helping to safeguard the windows against damage and vandalism and to protect them from the elements and help to increase their longevity.

Professional cleaning of Stained Glass windows

Another service we offer at Sussex Leaded Lights is a professional cleaning service of Stained Glass Windows. During the restoration process especially with large stained glass windows we often find that the windows have a huge build up of stone and leaded dust, candle wax, cobwebs and just general daily grime. These windows are extremely delicate with hundreds of years of original artwork that was carefully painted piece by piece to create and tell stories through their pictures. We know exactly how fragile these windows are and therefore you can fully trust us to professionally clean them using the correct procedures and materials to ensure the safety of the historic glass.

“Thank you for the care with which this work was handled and for the skill and craftsmanship that went into producing an excellent restoration that has attracted comments from friends and relations.”

To find out more about your windows or frames or for a free no obligation quotation please contact us on 01403 254128 / 07753 432777 or email sussexleadedlights@gmail.com and one of our team will be happy to help.